About this Site
Japan is an island nation in the Far East, with its entire landmass surrounded by the seas. It is approx. 3,000km long in the North-South direction and roughly 67% of the national territory is by woodlands and mountains. Japan has four seasons and, with mountain ranges criss-crossing the land and the sea skirting the shoreline, it is blessed with a fertile natural environment.It has an abundance of food resources, with edible plants thriving in the mountain regions and plenty of fish and shellfish in the national waters. Japan has also a flourishing agricultural heritage. The diversity of these resources has led over a long time to individual regions developing their own food cultures and local cuisines.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries chose a "Japanese Traditional Foods 100" in December 2007, By introducing to the wider public the local cuisines from all parts of Japan in this manner, the Ministry wishes to provide an opportunity to gain a new recognition of the culinary heritage of Japan`s rural areas and to heighten the nation`s interest in rural life: its farming, forestry and fishing villages.
On this occasion, we have opened this web-site feeling that it might be a good idea to offer this information about the excellence of Japanese dietary culture and thereby arouse interest, however little it may be, also among non-Japanese persons.
We would very much like to see many visitors from abroad to come to Japan and enjoy the taste of local dishes that are the pride of each region.
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries chose a "Japanese Traditional Foods 100" in December 2007, By introducing to the wider public the local cuisines from all parts of Japan in this manner, the Ministry wishes to provide an opportunity to gain a new recognition of the culinary heritage of Japan`s rural areas and to heighten the nation`s interest in rural life: its farming, forestry and fishing villages.
On this occasion, we have opened this web-site feeling that it might be a good idea to offer this information about the excellence of Japanese dietary culture and thereby arouse interest, however little it may be, also among non-Japanese persons.
We would very much like to see many visitors from abroad to come to Japan and enjoy the taste of local dishes that are the pride of each region.